[FTA HONG] Summary of the Korea-Indonesia CEPA (FTA utilization rate, FTA utilization by industry, and summary of highlights)
Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, so it's a huge potential market. Korea has an ASEAN-Korea FTA and RCEP with Indonesia, but as a separate FTA (CEPA), the Korea-Indonesia CEPA came into effect on January 1, 2023. In the case of the Korea-Indonesia CEPA, there will be more favorable items compared to ASEAN or RCEP, based on the content of product concessions. In the case of the Korea-Indonesia CEPA, the content of the product concessions is expected to be more favorable than in ASEAN or RCEP. In addition, unlike the ASEAN-Korea FTA, the Korea-Indonesia CEPA allows for Self - Issued of certificates of origin. However, the Korea-Indonesia CEPA also has a basis for self-issued certificates of origin, but it is not currently applicable. Article 3.15: Proof of Origin 1. Goods originating in a Party shall, on importation into the other Party, benefit from preferential tariff treatm...